Here is Teresa's MTC address, for the next 2 weeks! She would love letters or emails. (And after you email her, she'll have your email address, too.)
Sister Teresa Whitesell
2005 N 900 E Unit 58
Provo, UT 84602
So it's about 1 your time, but it will probably be a lot later when I finish the email. It's been a crazy first week! Last Wednesday was super strange, since I've only ever brought friends INTO the MTC, I've never been the one dropped off before. They have the system down.
DAY 1 NAMETAGS. Lots of orientations, and getting to know the district (that's the group that I go to class with, eat meals with, and everything "family away from home" of sorts.) I was so flustered coming in, and confused, that even the nametags were a mystery! I was used to the idea of the Elders' nametags, that hang over their pockets. But they gave me a magnet nametag, that is my real nametag. It's okay, I figured it out! Ha!
Our Pdays ("preparation days," when we can do laundry and run errands, etc.) in the MTC are on Thursday. But that first Thursday was a lot of classroom stuff, getting to know people, eating food. For those who lived in the BYU dorms, it's the Canon Center food, only a tad worse, so I was SO excited! (that's sarcasm. I got over that food after one semester, my freshman year)
CLASSES. We also have class after dinner, which was weird at first, but it fits with everything, and we still learn a lot. I've definitely been challenged more this week than in my entire life, but that's kind of what this experience is for, though. I've grown a lot and learned a lot, regarding all the spiritual aspects, and about Gospel Doctrine, and about how to teach it, which is good. They actually have you start "teaching" investigators a few days after you get here! It's very fast and daunting, but then it's not as bad as you think, once you start.
Sundays are full of meetings, and it was probably the longest day so far. I got assigned as Sister Training Leader along with Sister Vest, so we get to welcome in the new missionaries and we plan Relief Society. Not too bad.
INSPIRATIONAL TALKS. Every week we have to write 2 talks. During Sacrament Meeting, they tell us who is speaking, right before they have to talk. You never know if you have to get up, until RIGHT THEN. It's fun, but also nerve wracking. Each week has 2 assigned topics, so 2 missionaries speak on each topic. It's not as bad as it sounds.
Tuesday devotional was amazing to listen to. Joy Jones (General Primary President) spoke about how we need to learn to recognize miracles. We also need to understand that for the next 18 months, we are the Lord's hands, and he will work through us to help others. Sometimes we won't ever know the outcome of our actions, but if we are prompted by the spirit, we shouldn't ever dismiss it.
Another point I thought was really cool was that she said "Whoever the Lord calls, he qualifies." So even if we feel inadequate in what we're doing, He will give us the knowledge we need for who we teach, and help us teach them in a way they will understand. I'm just really excited to see who I'm supposed to help out in CA, and why I got called there. It's still a mystery to me.
DISTRICT. Our district, according to all of our leaders, is one of the closest districts they've seen. Huge blessings all around for that, and I love it! We are 100% a family away from home. My companion is Sister King and she's the sweetest person. Also, you're with your companion 24/7 here, so sometimes it's hard. But we do get exercise time, and I can run and be by myself for a bit.
The other sisters are Wingate, Rivas, and Vest. They are a "triple," instead of a companionship, which doesn't happen too often. Sister Wingate has the greatest personality and is never hesitant to crack jokes. We love it! Sister Vest is quieter, but knows anything and everything about church stuff, so it's really cool to hear all of her insights. Sister Rivas is the Tennessee version of Sister Wingate, and she's hilarious. We connected through nature pictures, and now I just want to go hike around Tennessee waterfalls.
Elders Moon and Pitcher, are the coolest companions ever, and Elders Pate and Yates are super funny, and have the perfect mix of insightful and sarcastic remarks.
Anyways, hope everyone is doing well! Allison I didn't email you since I didn't have your email, and Lexie update me on the mission call!
Okay it snowed yesterday and that was a little weird.
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