Thursday, May 25, 2017

Singing with Snails

T and one of her instructors,
Sister Hansen
Hey, "y'all!" (can't say "guys" here, it's a weird rule)

**My address in the MTC, for 5 more days is:
Sister Teresa Whitesell
2005 N 900 E Unit 58
Provo, UT 84602

This week was just as crazy as last week, but as always, there are plenty of super fun things, and spiritual moments, and definitely lots of learning.

T and her MTC companion, Sister King

Temple Walk Sunday: our district
with the district who came the week
after us ("below" us)

To explain the title of this blog, they aren't related but I did participate in choir this week, and the elders (young men missionaries) attempted to freak me out by putting a snail on my classroom desk. Obviously I wasn't phased, and went on to play with it, and scare some of the other sisters with it! Ha.

This past Saturday we also had an MTC-wide blackout! Even the backup generators didn't work, so halfway through our class, everything just went dark. We heard the doors, which are held open by a magnet, just slam shut on each floor, leaving us in almost pitch black, aside from a few windows that were open.
Franklin the Snail

Temple Walk with President Cusick
(he's amazing)
It was kind of cool but we also had some lessons to teach, so we went to our investigators and taught them in the dark. It was a cool experience, and some of the elders in my district had experiences that wouldn't have happened if the lights/electricity had been on. They record all of our lessons on camera. Some people play-acting as 'investigators' (people interested in the gospel, that we get to practice teaching), are actually real investigators. They might not say some things if the camera was rolling, but with no electricity, they were free to speak. There were some very touching stories shared.

District Hot Wheels
Fun thing, if you didn't know, my parents are the best, and sent a creative care package with food, ping pong balls (each with a scripture or motivational phrase on them), and best of all Hot Wheels cars! Obviously I am a 5-year-old at heart, so opening a box of Hot Wheels cars was the best. 9 total, so everyone in the district gets one. We're doing a few races later (today's our P-Day, or Preparation Day, so we do laundry and we can also race cars). Also obstacle courses. Very exciting!

Spiritual Moment: I was able to participate in Choir this week. Since we can't listen to music in the residence halls (too distracting when people are trying to study or sleep), it was amazing to be able to sing, and listen to others sing! Since I joined on Tuesday instead of the Sunday practice, most people already knew what they were doing, and the chorister started in the middle of the song. The first note that the choir sang was just beautiful.

Elder Pitcher & Elder Moon
Then, throughout learning the song ("Nearer My God to Thee"), the chorister taught a lesson about the meaning of the cross. In the physical sense, the cross can literally lift us closer to God. But the cross can also symbolize a trial, and our trials will bring us closer to God as we use His support and love to get through hard times. He also said, "If every day was sunny, the land would be a desert. You need some rain to create an oasis." I thought that was the coolest thing. So learn to appreciate the hard days, because without them, we wouldn't love the good ones as much!

Obviously being out here has been a challenge, but it has also been a blessing. I've been able to grow so much these past few weeks, and can't wait to teach what I've learned! I'm headed out of the MTC in 5 days, which seems crazy! CA isn't ready for my district, though, let's be real, ha! Also my district is the "oldest" now, and we have 2 districts "below" us (just how long we've been here). We got to welcome in the new district last night as the Senior Zone and Sister Training leaders. That was wonderful, and fun to remember how crazy those first few days were.

I miss the district "above" us, that left, a ton, but I know they're doing great things in Canada and Michigan. You learn to love and understand people, here. It's inspiring. And, my district is still the best!

Sister Whitesell

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