Monday, October 29, 2018

Harvesting Cornrows

So, Sister Whitesell has this pride complex where she has to do something almost any time someone says, "Do it. You won't." Yeah, not the best but I do have my limits, still. However this week, it wasn't quite past that limit.
honestly don't know how I got to serve in
an area as cool as Mount Shasta!
HAIR IT IS. While in Corning, Sister Wright expressed that she was curious what I'd look like in cornrows. And since she's someone who likes doing hair, I worked on some other projects I had to do, while she worked her magic on my hair.
If we had one picture to describe
our companionship

Then halfway through, she challenged me to wear them to our District Council the next day...the looks I got from some of the other missionaries were priceless! The best part is, we had been picked to do a role play and practice teaching two of the new missionaries. I was impressed at their skills of keeping a straight face. Can't say it's a hairstyle I'll be doing again, but now I can mark that off the list of ridiculous things to do while on a mission!

my companion (we found a really cool bridge
and I got some good candids)
FALL ROCKS. We also got to have the annual Harvest Festival, or Trunk or Treat, Halloween Party, or whatever you want to call it, on Saturday! This is the event of the year where not only do the most amazing members come, but also dozens of families show up from all over, who not even the members who have lived there for years know. It's amazing to see an event like that bring together so many who haven't been able to come to church in so long! There were a dozen or so chilis to try, and cornbread--and after being hangry all afternoon it was glorious.
"so, do you want the gospel? --or Nah?" --
Sister Wright and me being ridiculous
my cornrows
EXTREME TOURNAMENT. We helped run the Musical Chairs and man, some kids get intense with their Musical Chairs! It was like watching soccer: one kid overdramatized falling on the floor from another boy taking his chair, and crawled into the corner and cried because he lost. It was traumatic. But we indoctrinated one of the girls in the ward with some great Nashville and EFY (youth conference) songs for the music, and had a great rest of the evening.
Another shot of cornrows

Side note, I know it's been awhile and I'm not serving in the south anymore, but this week deserves a

BROTHER PETTEY SHOUTOUT. Being as ridiculous as he is, he mailed us some glow in the dark stars a couple of weeks ago and Sister Wright and I figured out where to put them up this week! It's been crazy busy so we haven't had time until now, but it makes every night so much better. The best part? We see the real ones, including the Milky Way, every night before we go in because we take a minute or two to enjoy them. Missionaries aren't kidding when they say Mt. Shasta is the promised land!

no words needed
So, what crazy things happen that make us so busy out here in the mountains? Aside from having to drive 50 miles a day? Let me tell you. to come by and visit!
MIRACLES. That's what! Specifically Book of Mormon miracles. My testimony of the Book of Mormon has grown SO MUCH this week! I've been more diligent in reading through it; in the past I've picked chapters or topics we need to study more for a particular day or person. Now with President Nelson's challenge (to read the whole thing before the end of the year), I have specific chapters to read in order. It's been amazing to see how that direction has brought the spirit in the mornings during studies in a stronger and better way. Not only that, but there were 3 huge miracles that I got to see firsthand with how the Book of Mormon changes lives.
Rubicons, what's your turning point?
(shoutout to Sister Taylor)

FIRST. With someone we're teaching. We stopped by, and he told us how today wasn't a good day, and he was dealing with some family issues that had happened. When we told him we only had 10 minutes he agreed to read some, forewarning us that he probably wouldn't feel any better after reading. Then, when our 14 verses were up, he told us that the scriptures we read (Alma 32) had actually helped and were what he needed to hear! Miracles.

one of the worlds hidden wonders
SECOND. We teach a few less active members and one in particular had a complete 180 change this week because of her reading. She'd been depressed and unmotivated, but as soon as she opened the door I knew something was up. She was dressed, wearing makeup, and had a brighter countenance than when I saw her 2 weeks ago. When we came in she immediately started telling us about how something had clicked from her reading of the Book of Mormon, and watching certain General Conference talks. At the end of the lesson we helped her carry her coffee machine and tea downstairs to the donation table! Miracles.

putting up the stars is the fun part!
FINAL. The Big One: we were reading with an older couple who is homebound, and in the past sisters have visited and done their best to uplift them. It's hard to get Brother Brockman to focus since his mind goes all over the place, but his wife was very content sitting and listening to us read. We spent a good 10 minutes redirecting the conversation to eventually start reading the Book of Mormon, as he was doing his best to avoid it and go off on other tangents (it was kinda funny but we were determined!). Since he didn't want to read, he kept telling us he'd rather read other books.

LEAVES!! Oh man, the fall here has
been longer than usual (according to
the locasl) and I got to see some
colors that can sort of (but not really)
compare to Massachusetts!
We started finally, and after getting through our verses he would stop and make comments, and by the end his mentality had completely changed! It went from complete avoidance to "yeah I can do my best to finish the chapter" with him putting a bookmark in the book. Miracles! The Book of Mormon is so amazingly true and I love the spirit it brings!

Yeah, in all these buckets is...
BUSY AND COMMITTED. The final thing I wanted to mention was Steven. I've talked about him in a few previous emails, but he's still one of the most solid people I've met on my mission. It's very rare you find a 23-year-old willing to take time out of their week to study about Christ! And the coolest part is that he's also the busiest college student I've met with 1 day off each week, Sunday, as requested by him so he could come to church. We talked with him about prayer last week, and it's been amazing to hear how his testimony has grown, as he's made it a habit to pray every day!
also my companion

This is why I'm a missionary. This is why I get up early every morning, study, work, push myself out of my comfort zone. It's because what we teach is true. It's because I get to take part in seeing people's lives change for the better! I've started reemphasizing my efforts with my morning prayers, and I'm not someone who is fully functional as soon as I roll out of bed, but I'm gaining a testimony of how it helps the day go better when you start it with that solid communication with Him. It's never too late to start! There are always things to improve on, but as long as your communication with our Heavenly Father is good, you can honestly make it through anything.
notice the huge pinecone she's
carrying (Sasquatch?)

I know, I know, it's cheesy, but it's true! Good luck this week and keep looking for those opportunities to build your foundation!

I sound like a commercial but hey, honesty is key.

Sister Whitesell

311 Old McCloud Rd. Apt B
Mount Shasta, CA 96067

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Wrightsell 2.0: she's back and browner than ever

Driving back from the baptism you have
Mt. Shasta on the left and a little
Black Butte on the right; it looks so
much bigger up close!
Ok, just so you know -- title -- SHE said it, not me! ha. Also I guess to explain that better, she's Polynesian, which means 1/4 of my mission will have been with a Polynesian companion! Pretty cool if you ask me.

the published date! The Ingrahams
are amazing and of course have an
almost original copy of the
Book of Mormon! I want one :)
LOTS HAPPENED. This week was another usual week in Mt. Shasta full of ridiculous miracles and crazy side quests, and amazing tender mercies! The Lord is in the details of our lives, and especially now He's in the details of helping me get out of bed every morning. Because missions make you more exhausted than you've ever been before! But I love it :)

Mt. Shasta is trying to have a fall and
some of the trees do well! They all have
room to improve though,
compared to Massachusetts, just sayin'
SPLAT. There are so many things that happened; I'll explain the biggest Sister Whitesell moment that's happened, since back in Chico when I fell out of the tree. Yesterday, we're headed out to dinner at the Bishop's house, but when I get to the car I realize I need to grab Cale's baptismal form from inside so Bishop can sign it. Well, me being me, I sprinted to the apartment in my not-so-stable shoes, on lots of dead leaves...and I biffed it worse than I have in a long time.
car rides where I'm the driver now; dunno
why they give me responsibilities

I heard my shoe catch on the ground and then the ground was right there. As soon as I hit, and according to Sister Wright, a little before I hit the ground I just went limp and flopped there for a good 4 seconds. Then, coming to my senses and knowing we had places to go and things to do, I popped back up and sprinted the rest of the way inside, up the stairs, and then back to the car.

mornings are hard sometimes ok?
It was one of those times where I did my best to run off the pain of scraping up both my knees and my elbow. Sister Wright was laughing literally the entire time, all the way to Bishop's house, and off and on last night and this morning. In her defense it was probably hilarious to watch! (Mom, I'm doing fine don't worry about it, nothing a little sleep can't heal.)

I look like I'm posing, but I'm actually
trying really hard just not to fall (as
my email mentioned, those shoes
aren't always the most balanced!)
HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK. Anyway, besides the aforementioned Magnificent Flight/Fall to the Sidewalk of 2018, we had a few other amazing things happen.

First and foremost, CALE CONNOR GOT BAPTIZED!!! It was one of the best days of my life so far! He's been so prepared since Sister Taylor and I met him, and he finally got to make that promise with our Heavenly Father to be His disciple! Seeing him walking to the font in white was amazing to see as a missionary. Cale was beyond excited, and the spirit was so evident as he not only got baptized, but gave the talk/bore his testimony after the ordinance. Yes, he was on his own program to speak, which is something I've never seen before.

Cale got baptized!
PIANO PROMISE. Another key part of this baptism was that I was able to fulfill a promise I made to Heavenly Father too. One of my favorite songs is called "When I am Baptized," from the children's songbook. So, for the past couple of months, I've been trying to learn it on the piano, and most of you know I don't play.

As I was learning it, I made a deal with Him that if He helped me figure out the final pieces of the song to make it smooth, I would play it at one of His baptisms. Well, as soon as I got to Mt. Shasta the notes came more easily, and I knew I'd get to play it here. Saturday was the day! I played the opening song and was overcome with joy and peace, knowing that He was happy with the efforts I'd put in.

look at that punk
Sunday, Cale was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Then another miracle happened where during Relief Society (our church's women's organization meeting), the Bishop came into the room and made an announcement that we would have another sustaining vote. Unbeknownst to me, the Bishop had interviewed Cale to receive the Aaronic Priesthood and a temple recommend during the second hour of church.
Yeah terrible selfie, but someone had
this river in their backyard and I
was kinda jealous!

During 3rd hour, we sustained him and all agreed to support Cale in his worthiness to receive the priesthood! He'll be able to go to the temple Saturday with the youth in the ward!! that is unheard of for me! It might be common other places, but Cale is taking leaps and bounds in his new callings in life, and I'm so excited for him to go to the temple!

the sunsets are amazing
even without the clouds
SHOPPING FRIEND. If that wasn't enough, we had some further miraculous events. Wednesday we had to do a bit of shopping, since usually frozen items don't sit well for a long drive and Sister Wright needed some food. We went to the Grocery Outlet in Weed and got maybe 50 feet into the store, when this man called out to us and said, "You're missionaries aren't you?"

Tuesday lunch in Yuba City for
transfers led us to feeding some of
the random chickens around
everywhere (apparently I feed birds
everywhere I go?)
And that's how we met Pete! We talked for a good 30 min and we're excited to go back this week and meet with him again. It was so cool how he recognized that we were followers of Christ, by our appearance and the spirit we have with us. And then, after recognizing us, he called us out and wanted to talk to us! Mt. Shasta is so prepared it's ridiculous, in the best of ways. Fun fact: that NEVER happens, so I was pretty shocked!

Cale ft (featuring) the mosquito
that bit him
HUGS TO MAKE MY DAY. The final thing I want to share is the joy that comes from the purity of small children. We were going to visit a lady named Leticia who I've not been able to really meet with before. As we got out of the car, her little daughter was walking out of the house and she saw us and called out excitedly, "Are you the new sister missionaries?"

I got to see the one and only
Sister Curtis Tuesday too,
I wasn't excited at all it's fine!
When we confirmed her assumption, she proceeded to give us 4 hugs over the next 5 minutes, as we talked to her and her friend. It made my heart so happy to know how pure some kids are, despite difficulties!

Our drop-in visit ended up being about 45 minutes, and we got to know Leticia and her family. I love that aspect of the work we do! Then Ella, the daughter, said the closing prayer and in it she added "and thank you for letting me see the missionaries right as they got out of the car, that was lucky!"

Guys I don't know what I did to deserve the number of joyful and spiritual experiences here as a missionary but I'm not complaining!
Ok, my mom did it. She did The Thing. She
literally sent pumpkins through the mail by
putting a stamp and address on the
pumpkin itself: it was AMAZING!

He knows exactly what you need and when you need it. He'll sometimes let you struggle a little longer than you think you can manage, just to show you that you're stronger than you know. And when you feel you're about to fall, He will give you the strength to keep going. I've been amazed time and time again how perfect His plan is for me.

He sent me Ella at a point when I didn't think I could keep up the positive attitude, as I was going through a rough patch. But, He won't ever let you fail as long as you turn to Him. And just when you think you've failed, He'll show you a greater plan for you than you ever could have imagined.

we had to go on a random adventure
between houses in Dunsmuir,
it's a requirement
Thanks for the love you share! When you can't look forward anymore, look up and He will lift you!

Sister Whitesell

311 Old McCloud Rd. Apt B
Mount Shasta, CA 96067

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I Cut Sister Taylor's Hair

Is that enough inches for you?
KEEPING IT REAL. Yup, apparently I'm a real sister now, 'cause I've cut my companion's hair! Here's how it went. Sister Taylor took a shower, walked downstairs, told me that I was cutting her hair, handed me the scissors, and walked back upstairs. We spent the next few minutes deciding how much to get rid of. 3 inches. I cut off 3 inches, and it doesn't look half bad!

One of us is gong to have to change (unplanned)
ARM OF THE LAW. We also had another fantastic encounter this week with a sheriff at 6:43 a.m. We were outside doing our usual morning walk/hike, me in my hoodie with it up and Sister Taylor in her beanie, when we hear a car and see the headlights come closer, slow down, then stop when we turn around. The word "sheriff" on the car stood out quite nicely in the morning dawn. He got out of the car and talked to us for a minute, not forgetting to ask us if we'd heard any screaming recently. Comforting! Without further questioning, he went on his merry way and we went ours. Welcome to Mt. Shasta!
My weekly Mt. Shasta pic, ft. the amazing
necklaces Sister Taylor and I got
TRANSFER TIME AGAIN. Oh, speaking of welcomes, transfers are happening and we found out on Sunday what's happening. Remember that time we got evacuated to Corning? Well the impossible is happening and SISTER WRIGHT is my new companion! Wrightsell 2.0 is really happening! I'm beyond excited, 'cause we got along really well during our 6 days together and I can already tell this transfer is going to be AMAZING!
Fun Fact: we hiked Heart Lake and it was
amazing! The Pearsons took us and it's
the greatest thing ever!

Also, let me explain to you the fullness of the circle of my mission. Your "greenie breaker" is basically the missionary that comes after your trainer, who shows you that there's not just one way to do missionary work. She continues to help you figure things out, almost like going to college before the real world.

Well, Sister Wright trained a missionary right after SHE was trained, so she never had a real "greenie breaker." This means I'll be the one greenie breaking Sister Wright when about a year ago now, Sister (Kelsie Jo) Wright greenie broke me! Magic. Also, now I will have been companions with both Sister Wrights, and if that's not the best thing ever, I don't know what is.

ask me how I feel about
Sister Taylor leaving
NOBODY ASKED US. Don't get me wrong though! I'm high key bitter that Sister Taylor is leaving!! Seriously, I don't remember either of us saying that was okay. We've had such a stellar and adventurous transfer it's amazing :) More miracles than I can count, more lessons learned than there are days on the calendar, and so many unforgettable moments! Companions do this thing where you get attached to them and it's lame when they leave, but life goes on.

SINGING SOPRANO. Anyways, let's get onto the more interesting stuff. Like how we got roped into the congregation (ward) choir. Sister Whitesell has a range that can cover tenor, alto and soprano, but would much rather sing alto (ask Sister Johnson, she heard me sing soprano just once in our 3 1/2 months together). So of course, I said I could do whatever's needed since it's a smaller ward and I'm the only soprano, singing the First Noel. I haven't had to hit notes like that in was only a little ridiculous. Sister Taylor was laughing the whole time from her alto row.
...more of the hike

BUT, aside from that, we had:

*a Hammock Study because why not?
You can't tell me this isn't the
coolest candid of Sister Taylor ever!

*talked to a man flipping a house

*tried to share the gospel in a family gathering...except their gathering was to go outside and smoke so we gave up since none of them were fully coherent

*I learned my bird friends don't like fruit it's fine (tangent: I was putting the nuts out this morning and one of them flew to the railing about 2 feet away. Sister Taylor is giving it 3 weeks till they eat out of my hand)
Sister Kirby's reaction to
almost everything..."K"

*I've continued to learn how amazingly blessed I've been in the areas I've served in

*we played Operation on a vacuum to try and get it unclogged, but to no avail

*we flipped a member's garage in just a few hours (yes it was as satisfying as it sounds)
Do you see how much stuff we moved?

*along with a handful of other things!

It's been quite the week, as always up here in Mt. Shasta!

us ft (featuring) the Pearsons
NEW FRIENDS. Tuesday we met Nicole, the cutest mom ever out in McCloud. She has an adorable little boy who was trying to eat anything he could find the whole time we were talking with her, including the styrofoam lid to a very old cooler. She showed us the house she's remodeling that used to be an old church, and her amazing book collection. We then bonded over Avatar the Last Airbender, and shared some verses from the Book of Mormon with her. It was an amazing exchange! I'm so excited to start working with her. Not to mention the Nicole from Roseville 6th is also amazing; clearly it's just a good name!
yoga on a mountain anyone?

One of the huge miracles of the week is that Cale had his baptismal interview, and is all set to go!! Sister Taylor and I have never seen the adversary work so hard on someone to keep them from getting baptized. We had to push his baptism back a week since his wife hasn't signed the spouse baptismal agreement form yet, but it'll happen, and then we can help him make that next step!

hammock studies!
With everything going on for him, I've had the opportunity to reflect a bit on difficulties I've had on my mission, and how I've been able to overcome them. It's ONLY because of the strength I've gotten from our Heavenly Father that has helped me get up every morning and push myself to do His work. There have been so many moments where I feel like I have nothing left to give, but then He gives me a little more. As long as we're doing a little better today than we did yesterday, that's enough!
a little piece of heaven
Always be best friends with
the Young Women
in the ward

I've seen countless miracles that the world would deem as merely a "coincidence," but there's no denying the spirit and joy behind each moment. And, He will use every moment He can as long as you are willing! Sister Taylor and I were on a tangent in the car before we talked to Nicole, but if we hadn't got distracted for a few minutes, we wouldn't have run into her in the first place--she got home while we were knocking on the door!

God is in the details of our lives. If you can't see it, just keep looking! Good luck this week, and keep holding down the fort!

In honor of Sister Wright: Remember who you are; don't let it get you down!
We found a new bed for
Sister Taylor!

Sister Whitesell

311 Old McCloud Dr. Apt B
Mt. Shasta, CA 96067

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Just a Few More Steps

Random hike selfies?
What a week! Zone Conference, General Conference, miracles, amazing lessons, the whole works. Honestly, I'm serving in the best area in the mission! Not biased or anything :) So many things happened this week that it would take 15 pages to write, so I'll send a short novel with some of the miracles instead.

Also, they're building a TEMPLE IN YUBA CITY!! That means the mission will have a temple! I know it will be a few years, but it was amazing to hear that one, and 11 others announced at conference!

Speaking of General Conference (our biannual weekend where we hear inspirational messages from our leaders in Salt Lake City), let me

our conference rainbow
PAINT YOU A PICTURE. Sister Taylor and I step outside to a partly cloudy day, crisp air, and good moods because we're about to go to the Ingraham's for conference and breakfast! I quickly put some nuts out on the perch for the birds and see a woodpecker making a new home in the tree across the way. Another woodpecker is drinking the water droplets off the wire it's perched on.

Sister Wright!
(Doing jumping pictures
in a dress isn't
as fun as it looks)

FIRETRUCK :) :) :)
We get in the car and start driving, a light sun rain happening, and suddenly a FULL rainbow is across the sky in front of us. We look to the right to see a thickly snow-capped Mt. Shasta, with clouds playing in the valleys and on the glaciers. Then to the left we are at eye level with another cloud, dancing through the crests of the mountains on the other side of the freeway.

The clouds are on fire now, too!
The rainbow changes as we drive, always staying in front of us: sometimes it's brighter than others, sometimes it shows a second arc of color, but all of it gloriously shines to kick start the day. To top it all off, we have As Sisters In Zion/Army of Helaman playing. We're serving in 100% the most gorgeous area!

The drive to the Ingraham's features Black Butte wonderfully.
Selfies with Steven in the firetruck
We pull up, get out, and are greeted by 4 deer grazing not 15 feet away. Inside, the smell of eggs and sausage waft to us as we watch the hummingbirds drink from their feeder, and we pet the 3 dogs who are also housed at the Ingraham's. Could life get any better? Yes! At 9 a.m., holding a plate full of food including a muffin, conference starts and the revelation begins. Conference was amazing!

PHONE TAG. On top of all that, let me tell you about some of the great moments this week. Thursday was quite the adventure. It was our only full day of work, since we had so many meetings and missionary things to do. We played the most solid game of phone tag with some of the other sisters in Loma Rica to get some info on where someone lived, since Sister Kemp has served here before.

We drove through
2 layers of clouds to get to
zone conference on Tuesday!
Well, trying to get two companionships in contact when both serve in areas with spotty cell phone service, is definitely not the easiest thing to do. So after a good hour of back-and-forth calling and missed calls, we got ahold of them! The house we were trying to find wasn't marked on a map. We ended up finding a cliff, and a road that led to nowhere instead of the actual house. Welcome to Mt. Shasta.

My weekly shoutout to Mt. Shasta,
lookin' fly as always
SURPRISE VISTAS. Before we headed to our destination we stopped at another lady's house, but on the way we found a trail leading up from the side of the road. Of course Sister Taylor asks if we can go, and I'm game for a 5 minute tangent adventure. Not that we didn't already have enough for the day. We stop the car and start going! Only to find that it's actually a trail. I tried to pull it up on a map and guess what, it didn't exist: surprise! I took a few more steps and the trees opened up to an amazing vista of the mountains with a river by the road, flowing down the center of our view. I would never have seen it if I hadn't taken a few more steps.
We decorated the car for
Elder Hallam's car inspection

Sometimes, we stop our progress because we think we've done enough for the moment. We assume that the view of the trees is all He has planned for us at the time, and we start to head back. In reality, He asks us to do a little more every day. Take those extra 4 steps even when you feel you can't go any further, because that's when He carries you. Those final few steps after a long day of what feels like your best already will only give way to a miraculous view and blessings we can't even begin to imagine!
Me, ft. (featuring) The Cliff,
that this angle doesn't show very well

CALLING THE COPS. We finish our adventure, try the lady, then go to the person's home we'd called Sister Kemp and King for. No one answers after the first knock, but I'm looking around and see a car turning, so I wave. I don't usually wave, mind you, but this time I did for some reason. Well, the car turns and the word "Sheriff" is printed on the car...the car stops, then literally backs up and turns in to the complex we're at...guys, I flagged down a sheriff.
Rivers and clouds:
What more can you ask for?

Turns out he was one of the church members we're working with! He's super nice, and excitedly tells us that he'd been at this complex the previous night at 1:30! With the timing of everything, it's no coincidence we were both there at the same place at the same time. And the best part? None of that would have happened if we hadn't been trying for so long to call the other sisters and take our mini adventure. #Godisinthedetailsofeverygameofphonetag

NEVER TOO OLD FOR FIRE TRUCKS. Another cool thing, we had a lesson with Steven this Friday...wait for a FIRE STATION! So that was probably one of the coolest things of my life. Don't worry, I 100% indulged my inner 5-year-old and took pictures in the fire truck!

Sunday morning conference wasn't a rainbow,
but instead Black Butte had a cape of clouds!
But aside from the setting being amazing, the lesson was also one of the best I've had. Steven is so willing and prepared to listen to everything we teach. As we got to know where he was regarding baptism, we learned that there are some of the basics we need to go over again, which is totally fine by us! But it gave us the opportunity to bear testimony and share doctrine I know and love so much.

District hike to McCloud Falls (again?)
PEACE AND HOPE. This gospel is something that has changed not only what I would do in my life for the past many months, but has changed who I am. I've learned more of my nature and seen just how much joy comes from accepting Christ. There are so many things that have strengthened my testimony, of His light and the strength we can get from Him. We need to be willing to put in the effort just to listen and do as He would. I'm crazy far from perfect, but it's because of Him that I'm so confident in the peace and hope I have now, that I never thought I could have before!

...which allowed for us to take
the most epic of comp pics!
As Elder Carpenter talked about in General Conference, healing comes immediately when you turn to Him. Christ healed a lame man almost instantly, after he suffered for 38 years unable to walk. By a simple act of faith, the woman with an issue of blood was healed in a moment after years of suffering. He will take who we were, and change us into something so much better than we ever expected, if we just turn to Him!

Take the extra minute to read from the Book of Mormon each day. Say a prayer on your drive to work. It matters! He sees your efforts, and you will start to see a change. Good luck this week!

Sister Whitesell

311 Old McCloud Rd. Apt. B
Mt. Shasta, CA 96067