Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Newest Weight Loss Program!

Hey Everyone!
This past week has been a roller coaster as they usually are, no normal weeks here. Last P-Day we had a 3rd of July celebration where we did slip in a side game of kickball with the Zone, and had a BBQ and everything. It was great.

I tried not to get soaked, but as any water (or as wet as we're allowed to get on a mission) activities go, I did end up dripping. Because some people enjoy playing with the hose a bit much. It was very fun, though :)
Rooftop working (service day)

4th of July was a relatively normal day, besides heading in early for the night. Instead of staying out til 9, we were out til 7. A nice member family let us crash their dinner, so we got lots of good (sort of. I'll get back to that) food and company! Then, rough life, we aren't supposed to do or watch fireworks stuff, because it's a safety hazard, etc. It's all good.

Sister Hood and I were going to party it up later anyways, so we were out trying to find sparklers. Cause why not? But guess what we learned? Sparklers are illegal in Chico...what kind of city...? It was ridiculous, we literally couldn't even do sparklers! I was a bit irked by that. So we got some amazingly fun poppers! Yeah, I know, it was lame ok, but we tried!

dinner at a member's house with
some of the elders
So protect your wives and children from sparklers on the 4th. They're dangerous! If I had one of those frowny-face-looking-to-the-side-emojis, I'd use it here...

Now the part you've all been weighting for (haha, see what I did there?) I figured I'd start my own weight loss program with this grand idea. It just takes a few hours, guaranteed few pounds lost, and it will get your heart rate up. I call it: Food Poisoning!! Some of you may have heard of something similar, but I'm going to copyright mine. Kidding.

companions are there to pick you up
when you're down! Just kidding, I thought
it was a good picture, though :)
Even though I'm in a U.S. mission, we still get food poisoning sometimes! So I was up all night on the 4th, hoping Sister Hood would at least get SOME sleep. No worries...she did. But yeah, be careful what you eat. A miracle happened after that, though.

The Zone leaders came around 7:30 and gave me a healing blessing, because I was determined to make it to Zone Conference: we were meeting the new mission president! I took a nap for a few hours, then got up and was ready, albeit a little iffy still, for conference. We made it there, and all was going well. I also found out that I was the chorister so that was ironic, but I made it through that. We finished the day doing regular missionary things, and came in a bit early because I was dead by the end of the day. Imagine that. But yeah--fun post-4th-of-July-party for me! I know that without that priesthood blessing I would have been way more affected negatively. Because the next day was a regular day, and my previous food poisoning experience tells me it should have been worse.
Because we had to

A few miracles from this week! Considering we see, and don't see miracles every day, sometimes we're lucky enough to get those that are so obvious we can't miss them. For instance, we have an investigator (interested in the church) in her 40s who is mentally disabled. We questioned her accountability level, to be at the level of baptism (the age of accountability for children is 8 years old, when they know right from wrong, and we weren't sure if she was that age mentally). We've learned that she is, but she speaks very slowly and can't read well. She just absorbs everything we teach her, though!

Out of This World District pic?
we were the only district in the zone
NOT to be changed this transfer
So we taught her about the Book of Mormon, since her baptismal date is coming up. We read the intro with her, and asked her to pray about it. Sister Hood was prompted to ask her to pray right there. Her prayer, with pauses, was, "Heavenly Father, is this book true, Jesus name." I didn't even realize it was a prayer until the end. BUT, then Sister Hood asked her if she felt any different? And she looked at us, smiled, and said "Yeah...I feel different." Sister Hood asked different how? And she just says, "like...it's true." (MY JAW ALMOST DROPPED...her heart is so pure, she just got an answer like that! That doesn't happen to almost anyone. Aahh, it was so cool!)

Another cool thing. I mentioned a guy we talked to last week who hung around even though a crazy guy was yelling at us. We met with him, and he's the most prepared person Sister Hood has ever met! I have zero experience still. But it says something, when a missionary who has been out over a year says that!

He's struggled in his life, but all of his morals match the church's, and he's even done historical research on Brigham Young and Joseph Smith! And when he told a friend of his interest in the church, she started treating him differently. Instead of ditching out on the church, he told us he'd be dropping her soon. Miracles! Aah, it was so good :)
More Roofing

Final thing: Fasting. The power of fasting is miraculous, and can lead to amazing things happening! Even if you're not in the best mental state while you fast. We fasted again Sunday, for an investigator to be able to set a date for baptism. She had to postpone it because she's living with her ex-boyfriend's (father of her daughter) family but doesn't have an income...is in school...father had no interest in getting married for forever...just a hard situation. But we fasted with her, and her ex-boyfriend's heart was softened! They are planning on getting married! We texted her minutes before ending our fast, and that's what she told us. The power of fasting is so strong!

Considering this is long enough, I wish everyone well! And if you're in a hot state like me, stay cool! 100+ temps isn't ideal, but we'll survive, right? I usually list off a few big miracles that happen, but try to see the little ones!

Good luck this week, and be wary of any leftover sparklers that might endanger you or your loved ones.

Sister Whitesell


244 West 20th St. Apt. B
Chico, CA 95928

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