Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Speed Bumps and U-Turns

Hello, All--

I like nametag shots :)
DRIVING ADVENTURES. Believe it or not, the majority of missionary driving in our experience is U-turns. We struggle with directions sometimes, but more often than not, the house is hidden somewhere, and we are lucky enough to pass it. Or, it's some apartment complex where the speed bumps are so vicious that you actually do have to slow down to 5 mph to go over them! They like those out here.

one family had puppies for us to
play with, before dinner!
BTW they have a designated driver in car missions, so for now, as the greenie, I am the navigator, as terrible as I am at that! I get to stare out the windows at all of our different scenery.

My greatest achievement of the week: discovering that Sister Hood is easily scared. So now it's been fun, to just pop out randomly and watch her yell and go into this crazy leg kick ninja pose thing XD.

Okay, not actually. If I'm being honest, we didn't do many crazy things this week, because we were more visiting less actives (people who don't come to church much), and not as much finding new people.

we have some amazing views here!
TINY TOWN. However, we did go to this little town called Dayton (picture of the whole town included), and tracted a whole cul-de-sac in 104 degree weather!
This is the entire town of Dayton...
It was only 7 houses but still, fun to say that! ha. And of course, we found a potential investigator on the last door we knocked on. I don't know why that's always the case, but it's just more motivation to keep going forward!
check out the temperature...

HOT STUFF. And yes, the daily weather temperature is starting to hit these fun, high numbers...I don't think it's supposed to be below 100 degrees this whole week. It hits 100 about 10 a.m., so that's a blast. (We know how much I love the heat...)
(not Teresa's picture...but it is HOT out!!!)
But I still have the amazing people and vistas so not too much to complain about!

Sunday was another really cool connection with an investigator. She's a senior in high school, but her aunt dragged her to church, but Sister Hood and I had the privilege of teaching her! So it was tough in the beginning to get her to pay attention. I was prompted to mention a few things about just how imperfect I am, especially as a missionary, and that got her to perk up a bit.
keeping the steering wheel cool
for Sister Hood

It's so cool to see how what we're prompted to say can get others involved. And, with people I don't know, I'm not usually a direct person regarding chastisement. but twice now, I've been prompted to 'tell someone off.' The first was literally to tell someone to stop doing what they were doing, and the second was yesterday. I mentioned how my attitude was terrible as a teenager with church, and how an attitude change really helped.
Sister Hood found a new companion
Everyone there knew it was directed at the investigator, and she totally started paying attention more, and focusing on what I was saying. It was so cool! I don't love telling people off, but it's crazy to see what the Spirit has us say.
somehow the trees all have skirts here--
but it looks cool!

Our first day together!
Finally got the picture
UNLIKELY FRIENDSHIPS. I'm currently dripping wet, due to a water balloon fight from today, so that was fun. Sister Hood and I continue to get along well, and make every car ride enjoyable. Mostly, there are definitely off days, but we make it work! We both agree that we probably wouldn't have picked each other out of a crowd to be friends with, since we are different in many ways. But that's part of what the companionship is: learning to work together, make jokes...super fun!

Fake it till you make it! I love hearing from you guys, and make the most of the time you have!

Sister Whitesell
244 B West 20th St.
Chico, CA  95928
Sister Whitesell with President Marston
and Sister Marston. They go home in 2.5 weeks.

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