Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Be the Ostrich

Hello, Everybody--

Sometimes, when Sister Wright goes
to the bathroom or showers, I try
and think of the most ridiculous
thing she can come out to...
yesterday's was a hammock
in the kitchen :D
Guess what, it's Monday again, and my 3rd transfer is almost over! One more week and then we'll know if I stay in Chico or if I get shipped off to some new area where I know no one, and get to basically restart my mission except with a better understanding of how to do missionary things. Should be interesting.

We're trying to help a
"less active" member quit smoking,
and Sister Wright came up with
this amazing box and cigarettes!
I found the scriptures, but it's
so cool--There's a "lighter" and
everything! Hope she
appreciates it!
"Spirit-Sticks" and scriptures :)

Anyways, the week was full of lots of great things as well as some funny stuff. No new spider friends that I know of, but I did meet a lizard/salamander thing (I know I should know animals, but this guy stumped me; it's probably just some different species of lizard) and a chicken! I have pictures of both, no worries.
Geoffrey the lizard

Service at Linda's
DUSTY ASSIGNMENT. Linda's service time was more random construction with drywall and painting, and we actually got to tear up carpet, which was really cool! Aside from the fact that there was enough dust in those things to recreate a small desert. I'm not sick from it yet, though, so fingers crossed! It was one of the grossest things I've done so far with Linda, though, I will admit. The few times I let my mind stray to exactly WHAT made up all that dust...I almost gagged. (You're welcome, for that dusty image.)

I found a chicken at a member's house--
it was a great day
DOORSTEP ADVENTURES. To explain the title, we have this week's Adventure Tracting! Well sort of tracting. We were knocking on a door because it was the (old) address to a member that we weren't sure lived there anymore, so they sent the missionaries to check. Well, the lady that opened the door kindly told us that the other person had moved over a year ago.
Birthday party for Tony! He's a
member that the Spanish sisters visit

So of course we went on to say, "Well, as the sister missionaries, we..." she interrupted us, her demeanor changed completely and she started speaking to us very sternly about how we religious people don't know about any of the government problems or consider the important things going on in the world. All we do is go around with our heads stuck in the sand, praying to God. "I wish you would do something constructive with your time!"
World's Fattest Cat!

(You have a fanTAStic day, ma'am...) Sometimes my smile at doors is fake, sometimes it's real, sometimes it's only there because I think you're being ridiculous, but hey, everyone is allowed their own opinions! Sometimes people share opinions when we don't ask for them, but usually it leads to an entertaining story later.
another service shot at Linda's

Weekly Planning and Hammocking in Paradise!
Area book is useful!
HAWAII CONNECTION. On to bigger and better things (but you have to admit, that's a pretty good one to put in the mission box). We actually got a referral from the Hawaii Visitor's Center Mission! For those of you who know Anna Blake (friend from back home in MA), she's serving in that mission. The two missionaries that texted us the referral know her, so that was a cool little connection. And that referral gave us a new investigator, so we're pretty excited.

We've been in twice that temperature!
Praise cooler temps!
Here's one of the most exciting things! I don't know if you remember James. (We were knocking on a less active member's door, he was checking mail outside, we talked, he actually invited us back.) We've been teaching him and his wife for the past few weeks! They're the most amazing investigators Sister Wright and I have ever met!

QUESTIONS. We got through the first half of the restoration with them the first time, and when we went back they both had a ton of questions, about things that often some MEMBERS don't even know about! Then the same thing happened with the Plan of Salvation (God's plan for us to be able to return to Him). We got through the first 2 points out of 7 with them in the first half, because they had so many questions from the pamphlet and what we were teaching. Things like,

just look at the name on the shelf...
plus it's super-fun to play with the
cans and watch them roll :)
"If someone did this, which kingdom would they go to?"
"Did Christ know exactly what he was getting into, or did he get his memory wiped clean (passing through the veil from the pre-earth life into earth life) like the rest of us?"
"Can we visit family members if we're not all in the same place after judgement?" We've never had questions even CLOSE to theirs.

So, it's been amazing working with them, and we're so excited to keep teaching. Coolest thing ever is to listen to investigator prayers, because of how genuine they are. The best was James -- he goes off on crazy tangents sometimes, so we aren't always sure he's super into it. But during his prayer he said Thank you for sending the sisters, they've answered questions I've had for a long time. It was SO COOL!!

Since this is long enough (a ton happened this week; it was a good week!), I'll end with some great insights from Women's Conference. There were plenty of amazing things in each inspirational talk. Lots about our self-worth, and how WE are the deciding factor on how we feel, not others. Sister Jones talked about our worth. Sometimes we put ourselves down when we compare ourselves with others. But our worth was decided long before we came to earth. Knowing that we're each a child of our Heavenly Father can and should give us confidence! You're an amazing person, and no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Pretty cool how that works!
District Meeting creeper shot...because I wanted
to show everyone what it looks like

Good luck this week with everything, and let's hope we don't have anymore hurricanes for a little while.

Sister Whitesell
perfect Snickers, (Mom enlarged the
candy bar so you can read it easier)

(since I don't know if I'll be leaving Chico or not, it's safer to send stuff to this address for a little while.)
8583 Watt Ave.
Antelope, CA 95843

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