Wednesday, January 3, 2018

You Look Funny, You're Smiling

District Meeting! (zone meeting?)
btw T is right in the middle
but her head is turned and her hair is covering
her face. It's a good picture of appx 9
missionaries. The other 9 are focused on...falling,
or something else laughable in the 2nd row :P :P
Wow it's been awhile; feels like I haven't talked to you guys since last year! (not even sorry, I had to put the worst jokes in at the beginning!)

NEW YEAR. Anyway, Hey! Welcome to 2018, it's about the same as 2017 so far. Wanna know how I greeted the new year? Sleeping through it :) so good! There were also -3 people at Walmart today, because who goes shopping at Walmart at 8:30a.m. the morning after New Year's Eve? This week has been another roller coaster ride, but that's just missionary work, and at this point I've kinda gotten used to it.

post Christmas nap probably
SMALLISH WORLD. Instead of a "Whitesell moment," I'm gonna start with the absurd number of "Whitesell connections" I've had my whole month with the Rocklin YSA (Young Single Adult) congregation. The Mormon world is TINY, and apparently all the non-Utah Mormons eventually end up in California. So here goes.

We had dinner with a family whose dad was in the MTC (Missionary Training Center) at the same time as my dad.

Then I ran into one of my stellar human's parents during weekly planning (shoutout to the Chamberlains).

You can never be too safe
with Sister Johnson driving
Then during Family Home Evening (Monday night activity), I started talking to one of the girls and she just happened to be my friend's roommate in college at Utah State.

Then yesterday on the way to Ward Council meeting (Sunday before church), the Elders who are over the other ward who meets in my building tell me to "Wait here. There's someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows you." And out walks Julie Trythall, my dad's childhood friend from Virginia and my mom's friend from college. At this point I'm kinda thinking my connections are done. Just kidding!

As I'm about to go lead the music for church, in walks Maddie, one of my amazing college friends and holy smokes, was I not expecting that! She'd heard that I was in the Rocklin YSA from one of her friends who saw me at volleyball (YSA weekly activity) and she stopped by! So apparently I just need a bucket and a half of tender mercies in this area because of all the chaos my mission has been thus far. But honestly, it's been so cool to see all these people that I'm somehow connected with, and it's definitely a huge comfort and blessing to find those connections. No coincidences!
it was his birthday and all we had was a banana

RUNNING. Ok so I think I'm done with knowing people, but I'll keep you posted. First I wanted to give a huge shoutout to basically my second half at this point, Sister Johnson, because holy smokes, she pushes me way harder than I thought I could go and then makes me laugh while she does it. Plus we actually run in the mornings and I didn't realize how much I missed that until I got it back and it's so good despite kindof wanting to cry, sleep and eat while I'm going. But that's just life!

LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER. Huge miracle of the week: we put Lauren R on date (for baptism)! I can't remember but I think I've talked about her before, she's a relatively new investigator to Sister Johnson and I but has been off and on investigating the church for a couple of years now. She's struggled with staying consistent with it all, but I think this time might be it.

She's said a few times that she doesn't know why she isn't baptized and this lesson sealed the deal. She actually invited her cousin Taylor, who was perfect for the timing and concerns Lauren had! We talked for almost 2 hours, going over principles she needed to hear in a different way, addressing trials and struggles and bearing testimony of how much our Heavenly Father loves us and wants what's best for us. Sister Johnson brought out so many perspectives that Lauren needed, and it was cool to watch her teach with the spirit so strongly.
didn't get this fam picture in last time oops

Then Taylor answered questions that missionaries aren't able to about personal family situations, and it was so cool to see it all fit together. I was able to share a bit too, and at the end I was strongly prompted to use a quote from my studies earlier regarding courage and tie it into baptism. We invited her, and she said a strong yes! She also said that "this time it feels different. It feels real" compared to the other times she was put on date. The spirit was so strong in that lesson, and it's definitely one of the most powerful 2 hours I've had on my mission so far. I'm so excited to continue working with her. Honestly one of the reasons I love YSA is that you make friends while you're doing the work. Lauren is definitely one I'd come back to visit CA for!
modern missionary fashion

I know there aren't as many stories this time, sorry, but just know that everything is going well out here. I love my companion, the work, the area I'm in, and the progress we're making! For example, we're getting in contact with all 17 bishops in the areas we cover, and learning about the specific YSA in each area, and it's helping so much. We're also making a big list of all the YSA because there isn't a full list yet, and it's all a lot of work but it's so cool to see how things are changing and growing.

Sister Walker may or may not have
accidentally walked into one of our
lessons and left us a note for later
BABY STEPS. The message we've been sharing the past week, because it fits with New Year's, is making a goal that brings you or someone you love closer to Christ. This church is all about making the little changes every day because that's how we can become better. When you create a goal that you expect to reach in one big step, the change probably won't be permanent and it's really daunting to try and do. So when we focus on those little things, then over time we'll become a lot better. Sometimes you may not personally notice the change, but others do. So try a little harder to do a little more and be a little better!

And of course, thank you all so much for the updates and keeping me in the loop, for the most part :) Good luck this week and remember who you are, don't let it get you down!

Sister Whitesell

751 Central Park Dr., #321
Roseville, CA 95678

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