Tuesday, March 6, 2018

100 people, 42 nuggets, I don't know how to end this

Guess what!! So remember a few weeks ago, how I talked about how we set a baptismal date for one of our investigators, and then didn't say a ton about it after that? Well, it's been a HUGE roller coaster of emotions and concerns and overcoming fears for both her and us! This last Saturday (as a celebration for my dad's birthday, too), she made the decision to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Let me tell you I've never seen a bigger baptism, or been more stressed to teach the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all 100 people who showed up!
Too many nuggets!

KIDDING, RIGHT? NO. First, obviously, some of my Sister Whitesell moments for the week. Really just one important one, and that was on Friday. Lauren (yes, the same one, who I'll talk about for most of this post) had the bright idea to do a chicken nugget challenge where Sister Johnson, a friend Pele and I would have 30 minutes to eat 50 McDonald's chicken nuggets. I'd like to preface with: I don't even like those, but only did it because Lauren really wanted to.
my drawing of how the nugget challenge went
in regards to my brain 

Believe it or not, eating that many nuggets is really hard! And gross if you think about it too long. But I started off really slow, and paced myself, which led to everyone else doubting me. I took some from random boxes, so I couldn't really see how many I'd eaten until the end. But we did our 30 minutes of eating, and the final tally was Pele 36, Sister Johnson 38, and Sister Whitesell pulling ahead with FORTY-TWO NUGGETS! And three very upset stomachs...it was something I'll never do again, but I can brag about it later! Okay now to the important stuff :)
one of the people we're teaching
made the BEST cheesecake-filled

CHALLENGING JOURNEY. Lauren has been investigating for about 3 years. Her whole extended family are already members, and she's been trying to figure out what's best for her that whole time. This past month especially, I've been able to see firsthand how hard the adversary works on us when we're about to do something that can bring us a lot closer to Christ.

I've never seen anyone more content
Until last Tuesday, we didn't know if the baptism was happening or not, because she had so much pressure on her of not knowing for herself what she truly believed, and not knowing how to differentiate between her own voice in her head, the adversary making things harder, or our Heavenly Father helping her make a decision. On top of that, we hadn't been able to get hold of her all the previous week.

the trees think it's spring already
Even talking about baptism stressed her out too much because of all the pressure. Her entire family came, and many of them were flying or driving out from other states, some even cleaning out their bank accounts to make it over, partially for a family reunion but more so for her baptism. Of course they weren't pressuring her, but family is so important to her that she didn't want to let them down in any way. It still added a ton of pressure on her! Then there were a lot of people asking her if she "was really gonna do it this time" since she's had a baptismal date twice before but didn't feel prepared. Overall, there was just more stress and pressure on one person than I've seen for any of the other baptisms I've gone to or helped out with.

EXTRA SUPPORT. We made an effort to see her every day this week, whether it was just a quick drop by to see how she was doing, or to plan for the baptism. Each time we saw her she was feeling better and better about it. Tuesday we had a lesson and we prayed together, and she made the decision to go on with the baptism!
(I was so happy)

It was amazing to be a part of the actual service Saturday evening, as Sister Johnson and I watched one of our closest friends make the next step in returning to our Heavenly Father. She had so much support there, and it was wonderful to see how happy she was and feel the spirit so strongly! I've never taught in front of so many people before (100), but I know that it wasn't just me speaking. The spirit was there, and helped me teach and testify of the truthfulness of how Christ's church was restored on this earth today through the prophet Joseph Smith, and that the Lord still works with us. He wants us to recognize him as he helps us today.

more baptism pictures!
JOY AND COMFORT. Seeing Lauren receive the gift of the Holy Ghost as she was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was amazing. I know that the work I do as a missionary is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing right now. I wouldn't still be out here if I didn't believe what I teach. There's been so much joy and comfort that has come from the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ that have helped me. I know others are looking for it too.
even missionaries go to the
dentist. Dr. Pettey and a defeated/
numb Sister Whitesell (two
fillings redone!? party...)

If you're struggling right now, just know that Heavenly Father is always there, waiting for us to reach out so He can help us grow. The book is blue, the church is true :)

Good Luck next week!
Sister Whitesell


751 Central Park Dr. #321
Roseville, CA 95678

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