Wednesday, November 14, 2018

21 Years

when it's freezing out
but the logging company
still has its sprinklers on
18 months, 15 companions, 10 wards, 6 areas, 2 emergency transfers, 1 evacuation and a partridge in a pear tree. That's it, that's my mission in a nutshell! Ok, I know I don't usually talk about time but considering I hit a few milestones this week, I think I can justify it for a minute. Sister Wright hit her 6-month mark yesterday! Woo-hoo!

Oh, and I also hit my 18-month mark Saturday, and I turned 21 yesterday! Honestly I can't believe it's been that long that I've been serving. I'm gonna give it all I have for the time I have left! In the words of some famous person, "Sugar, [I'm] going down swingin!"
CTR (Choose The Right) -- that ring
has been worn for 18 months now too!

Elder Hallam needed a new picture of the
sticker on the license plate,
"preferably with you two in it"
lunch at a state park!
BEST BIRTHDAY. Sometimes I can't handle how cheesy I am; you're welcome, since you all get to read it too. Anyway, yesterday was definitely one of the best Sundays on my mission, not because I turned 21, but because I got to see the primary program at church! The primary kids, ages 4-12, sing and give short talks on what they've learned throughout the year. The music is my favorite part though, because the words of the songs teach doctrine SO simply and I love it! The spirit was so strong during the program. And since I know the families here, watching the younger ones be off in their own worlds was especially hilarious!
Enrichment Night on how to be
"good in the hood" where these 3 did a dance
to a remix of Mr. Rogers theme song!

(Shoutout to Ender Kirby for spending 5 minutes squishing everyone's heads with his fingers in front of the whole congregation. He's about 4 or 5.) The best part? Steven, the 23-year-old we're teaching, was humming along to the songs and he's never really heard them before! It was an amazing Sacrament Meeting and I got so spoiled for my official kickstart of adulthood.
our morning run view!

NO MORE KEYS. However, that also means I got booted out of the driver's seat because my license expired. As much as that broke my heart, it does mean I get to stare out the window again!
Mormon Way!

PARTY TIME. This very well may be the best ward to have a birthday in, competing with Auburn 3rd last year! Sister Smith found out it was my birthday and every time she saw me in the hall, she shouted "It's her birthday today!" so I think the whole ward knew by the end of the day. I have enough sweets to last me a lifetime now! And after our dinner, the Pearsons told us to stop by for a bit. We headed over there and about 5 minutes later, 3 other families in the ward came and basically had a surprise birthday party, and have I mentioned how much I love this ward?
Party at the Pearsons!

WEEKLY CHECKLIST. So, back to this week. I was able to check off another approach on my mission bucket list:

*"You know we're missionaries. What do you expect us to say to you?" and start a conversation that way. The man was agnostic so we decided against an argument about God's existence, but he was a nice guy!

nail fun: the glue got everywhere, and
somehow I left with a single nail painted
*We also did face paint after dinner one evening with a member's 9-year-old niece who isn't a member of the church, and we taught a lesson while helping a member do her nails. Missions lead to entertaining moments!

*Another good one: we talked to a guy who had just gotten out of his car. He looked like an adventure guy, with the scruff and backpack and Subaru, the whole 9 yards. After a bit he said, "I do wanna keep talking to you but I'm on my way out, sorry!"

This lady collects single shoes from around
the world and then puts them up on her
fence here in Mt. Shasta
Oh and that's my companion
Then he walked inside, grabbed a few things, and walked back outside where we crossed paths again. I asked him, "Do you actually want to talk to us more?" to which he said, "no, I'm not a religious guy." Thanks Devin! We appreciate honesty because then we don't have to take time to talk to someone who's not interested. But sometimes we have to be a lot more direct with how we talk to people, too. It's a fun game :)

Sister Wright also made chocolate chip
banana bread
SMALL AND SIMPLE THINGS. The focus for this week though, is the little miracles. More often than not, you won't have days or weeks that are so completely stuffed with miracles that you don't know what to do with yourself, like I mentioned in my last email. Usually it's weeks like this one: where you have to look for the little things, and recognize that the small and simple things are what will build up to those great and marvelous works the scriptures talk about.
Birthday breakfast of champions

Hey, 21 means I had to go out and party
a bit: good thing I wasn't driving!
(River City Ginger Beer is
non-alcoholic btw)
PEOPLE MAKE A DIFFERENCE. As I reflected on this week, I realized that almost every small miracle that stuck out was an interaction with someone. The difference you can make in someone's life is immeasurable, because you'll never fully understand the impact you've left behind.

There she is! Maybe we'll get some
snow on the mountain soon
I love serving as a missionary because I know there are hundreds of interactions I've had where people have influenced me for the better, strengthened me, and uplifted me. I also know that the same has happened where I've been able to strengthen others too. So instead of looking down because of what didn't happen that you wanted to, look up and appreciate what did happen because of Him!
facepainting by nonprofessionals

Good luck this week! And also, prayers are very much appreciated for those in the Paradise area. I used to go there for meetings every week last year, and I know some of the members there who lost their homes.

Thanks for all you do, and thank you so much for the birthday wishes!

Sister Whitesell

311 Old McCloud Rd. Apt B
Mount Shasta, CA 96067

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